Jeff Monague Ex Husband (2025)

1. COLUMN: Reflecting on Canada Day and a story pushed aside

  • 4 jul 2022 · As an adult she became a nurse and married a non-Indigenous man. ... Jeff Monague is a former Chief of the Beausoleil First Nation on ...

  • This land was originally called Kinade, a word meaning 'everything that is in my heart'; Canada no longer has that same meaning, laments local Indigenous elder

2. MONAGUE: What's in a name? For this local elder, everything - Barrie ...

  • 30 mrt 2022 · Jeff Monague is petitioning the province to officially change his name to Myiingan Minonaakwhe, which translates as Wolf Shoots Well.

  • Jeff Monague has decided to begin 'decolonizing' his personal space and petitioning government to officially change his name to reflect Anishinaabe heritage

3. MONAGUE: Hope, healing in a world reeling from addiction - Innisfil News

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  • 'All spirits desire freedom from the point of our first breath. Addiction tries to steal that from us,' warns columnist

4. MONAGUE: Damaging 'Pretendians' undermine traditional practices

  • Bevat niet: husband | Resultaten tonen met:husband

  • Local elder says those who falsely claim to be Indigenous are 'living a lie' and 'bypass the very people they claim to belong to'

5. Korean War flashback turns real life drama into a nightmare

6. Local elder brings Ojibwe voice to big screen for iconic Disney film

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  • Jeff Monague taking on role of Grand Moff Tarkin in Ojibwe version of Star Wars: A New Hope which will make its debut next month

7. COLUMN: Bill 23 puts First Nations in a 'dangerous' place - Orillia News

  • 6 dec 2022 · Jeff Monague is a former Chief of the Beausoleil First Nation on Christian Island, former Treaty Research Director with the Anishnabek (Union of ...

  • 'How are we to respect the laws you create when you can’t?' asks local elder, who says Ford government has turned its back on its 'duty to consult' with First Nations

8. Disney's first Ojibwe language Star Wars movie voiced by former First ...

  • 24 jul 2024 · Jeff Monague, former chief of Beausoleil First Nation on Christian Island, is now voicing the part of 'Grand Moff Tarkin' in the new Ojibwe version of Star ...

  • A local First Nations elder and veteran is helping to bring the Ojibwe language to a well-known film for the first time.

9. We are not that different, says local Indigenous leader -

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  • There are differences between our cultures that make us different from one another - 'different, but still human, just like you,' says local knowledge keeper

10. COLUMN: Chippewa Tri-Council witnessing erasure in real time

  • Bevat niet: husband | Resultaten tonen met:husband

  • Bill C-53 would 'allow the Métis Nation to lay claim to the very hunting and fishing territories the feds acknowledged we had been wrongly removed from using'

11. B. Jeff Monague - SoundCloud

  • Anishinaabe Singer, songwriter. Formerly Chief Jeff (Back in the day). From the Beausoleil First Nation on Christian Island. Knowledge keeper, Language teacher.

  • Anishinaabe Singer, songwriter. Formerly Chief Jeff (Back in the day). From the Beausoleil First Nation on Christian Island. Knowledge keeper, Language teacher. - All content is protected by copyrigh

12. Ojibwe Star Wars film brings new hope for language speakers

  • Bevat niet: husband | Resultaten tonen met:husband

  • Local Ojibwe language teacher, Jeff Monague, recently lent his voice to the Anishinaabemowin version of Star Wars: A New Hope

13. COLUMN: Being First Nations in Canada is 'taxing' experience

  • 7 mrt 2024 · Jeff Monague is a former Chief of the Beausoleil First Nation on Christian Island, former Treaty Research Director with the Anishnabek ...

  • Exemption from certain taxes is a treaty promise to First Nations people that continues to be largely ignored despite many myths, laments columnist

14. OPINION: True history of Canada not taught in our schools

  • 20 jun 2022 · Jeff Monague is a former Chief of the Beausoleil First Nation on Christian Island, former Treaty Research Director with the Anishnabek ...

  • European narratives have long wrongly portrayed Indigenous First Nations as warring against one another throughout history, says elder Jeff Monague

15. Former First Nations chief voices Disney's first Ojibwe language Star ...

  • 25 jul 2024 · ... first time. Jeff Monague, former chief of Beausoleil First Nation on Christian Island in Ontario's Georgian Bay, is now voicing the part of ...

  • By Molly Frommer Click here for updates on this story     BARRIE, ONTARIO (CTV Network) — A First Nations elder and veteran is helping to bring the Ojibwe language to a well-known film for the first time. Jeff Monague, former chief of Beausoleil First Nation on Christian Island in Ontario’s Georgian Bay, is now voicing the

16. Beausoleil First Nation, Midhurst, Springwater Park - Orillia

  • Jeff Monague, Park Manager. Hours, May change with the seasons, call for ... Partner Databases. Central East Ontario · Information Barrie · FourInfo ...

  • Suggest Update Suggest a Volunteer Opportunity PDF Version (New Window)

17. OPINION: We need to stop placing our waters in a precarious position

  • 14 mrt 2022 · Jeff Monague is a former Chief of the Beausoleil First Nation on Christian Island, former treaty research director with the Anishnabek ...

  • The Anishinaabeg are as much a casualty of the unnatural warming trend as the elements themselves, says area elder

18. [PDF] Chief Paul Sandy (1946-2002)

  • Don and Beate were among the first Monague Point cottagers, staying first in a small trailer then a small bunkee until ... My boyfriend (now my husband) and I ...

19. Jeff Monague - Nikamowin

  • Bevat niet: husband | Resultaten tonen met:husband

  • Jeff Monague is a former Chief of the Beausoleil First Nation on Christian Island, former Director of Treaty Research with the Anishnabek (Union of Ontario Indians) and a Canadian Forces Veteran. Jeff Monague is an avid musician, singer and has taught Ojibwe language at the Simcoe County District School Board and Georgian College. He is an Elder and a knowledge keeper in his community.

Jeff Monague Ex Husband (2025)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.